Events & Activities


02 May

I Love Art! with Kara

May 2, 2025    
3:00 pm
Please join Kara as she leads us in an art appreciation class on zoom.
04 May

Storytelling with Cole

May 4, 2025    
11:00 am
Join CB Cole on zoom as he reads a story to the group.
05 May

Monday Dinners

Please see your Community Builder's weekly email for your group's dinner time and location.   Join your ICW friends for a meal and friendship.
08 May

Yoga with Hope

May 8, 2025    
5:00 pm
Please join CB Hope as she leads us in yoga.  Watch your email for location.
09 May

I Love Art! with Kara

May 9, 2025    
3:00 pm
Please join Kara as she leads us in an art appreciation class on zoom.
11 May

Storytelling with Cole

May 11, 2025    
11:00 am
Join CB Cole on zoom as he reads a story to the group.
12 May

Monday Dinners

Please see your Community Builder's weekly email for your group's dinner time and location.   Join your ICW friends for a meal and friendship.
15 May

Yoga with Hope

May 15, 2025    
5:00 pm
Please join CB Hope as she leads us in yoga.  Watch your email for location.
16 May

I Love Art! with Kara

May 16, 2025    
3:00 pm
Please join Kara as she leads us in an art appreciation class on zoom.
17 May

ICW Potluck Dinner

Watch your email from EVITE to get the details on location, theme, and what you should bring as we all contribute to our ICW monthly [...]
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